Education is not preparation for life,education is life itself. An educated person get respect everywhere. But the real purpose of education is neither making money nor getting ranks. The first question we should ask our conscience is why we do educate ourselves. If you see it from my point of view, we read or we educate ourselves to know the day-to-day affairs happening in the world.We can't judge someone from the point of marks he or she gets. Education gives us the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong. We can take decisions correctly.

Some of us question about the education system of today's world. They say: if somebody wants to become a doctor why he or she should read social science and if someone wants to become a lawyer why he or she should read mathematics. But I say: we should keep some general knowledge of all subjects in our brain. Later on, definitely we will get a chance to choose which subject would lead our career.

So,now come to the topic,does class rank really matter? According to my thoughts, it does not matter. The exam paper or the progress sheet does not decide anyone's future. Bill Gates says, "I failed in some subjects but my friend passed in all. Now he is an employee in a microsoft company and i am the owner of microsoft. "Life is just like a game, at any point of time the token can change it's move. We should compete with ourselves not with others.

But class rank matter for the society we live in, it matters for our own parents. Our parents ask us how many marks we get rather than how much knowledge we acquire. I can only say that we should not get upset when we get lower marks than others because we all are different essence in a recipe. Everyone will form a different taste. So, we should never stop trying and should always motivate ourselves by saying if he or she can do it why i can't. Know the real problem behind your backwardness and always try to improve.